2013년 12월 13일 금요일

Bugatti Veyron

Recently, I was posted about Ariel Atom V8, but if I don't post about Bugatti Veyron, maybe some peoples feel regrettable. So now, I will introduce about Bugatti Veyron.
Bugatti Veyron was made in 2005 at first, and it was best production car for the public. Bugatti Veyron has MOST expensive price and fastest record.

Bugatti Veyron also have 1001 Horse power, highest torque is 127.6 KG, high speed is 407 kilometers per hour. Well, Ariel Atom V8 was beaten Bugatti Veyron on Top Gear track, but Ariel Atom V8 is not production car for the public. So, Bugatti Veyron still maintain the best high speed car. But, the problem is price on this car, the price is almost 1,556,000 dollars but a pre-tax.
I think, Bugatti Veyron is just dream car. Or it just for a rich. General people cannot dream which buy Veyron.

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