
Hello, My blog is introducing about cars, especially sport cars and information F1, WRC.

Also, I was really impressed British TV series, Top Gear, so I also will be introduce cars which introduced on Top Gear with different sight.

About F1, I will post mainly player who hot issued and get a price on each game. Also, the score will be posted on this blog, F1 section. Absolutely, first post is introducing each team on F1.

WRC News or scoring will be posted on WRC section with each game. First of all, for many people who isn't rally mania, I will introduce what is rally and how to progress. WRC has many team either, the team introduce will be posted also.

For notice is all of this. Maybe sometimes I lost some news or error on the post, so if you find error, please notice to me. I always happy about taking advice. Have fun!

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